Sunday, 10 April 2011

Social Net-Awakening?

Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Mumbai and New Delhi. What  exactly do they have in common?  Social media. That's what. And age on their side.
Never before has the power of social media been more apparent and intimidating.

The 'Jasmine Revolution' was sparked when a 26-year old Tunisian set himself on fire to protest the oppressive regime of Ben Ali. In no time, people were calling for Ali to step down. The intensity of the Tunisians affected the oppressed and desolate (and also the opportunity-grabbers) in other parts of the world, and a modern revolution was born. Without going into the debatable areas of the revolution, one can easily say that 'social networking' played an immense role in rousing the people. The young 'uns showed that they cared and it brought diverse  groups together and allowed them to set-up and plan.

The Anna Hazare phenomenon proves the point. Before him, people were vague about what exactly 'LokPal' meant. Now everyone is spouting the word 'Ombudsman'. And what really changed is not the concern of the people but the interest, which was fostered by pages created on Twitter, Facebook and chain messages. It is now 'cool' to sport Anna Hazare caps (I'm not doubting the intentions of the protesters).

But I'm glad that citizens are aware of corruption and know that there is something they can do about it. To the power of networking! And its rightful use! Let's hope the fire spreads.....

P.S - There's a nerve called the 'pathetic nerve' in our body. It rotates the eyeball.

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  1. Dhanashree Moghe11 April 2011 at 00:15

    hahah aish, i like d P.S. glad, i cud help (talking abt d pathetic nerve, of course!)

    liked it. especially d background!

    hope to see more of 'you'! :) :)

  2. I would love to have more cool facts like that! Keep Reading...and yeah, the background screams me!


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